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You will learn the fundamentals of Islamic teachings, enhancing your understanding and application of the principles of the faith.

Course Overview

Upon completing the course, you will learn key Islamic teachings including ” Stories of the Prophets, Stories of the Companions, Hadith (prophetic narrations), The morals and manners of the Prophet, Aqieda (Believing) ,Tawheed (monotheism), Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) “

Islamic Studies Course

Do you aspire to enhance your knowledge of Islamic teachings and understand them deeply?

Are you looking for a rich and reliable source to teach your children the foundations of Islam?

Do you want to learn about Islam in an engaging and attractive way?

The Islamic Studies Course offers you a well-structured learning experience to ensure you gain a comprehensive understanding of Islamic teachings in all their aspects.

All of this is in a comprehensive series called "Encyclopaedia of the Muslim Child". The teacher explains this series with the student, and it includes a variety of activities to attract the student's attention and make them enjoy learning.

This series is taught by an elite group of teachers with us, graduates of Al-Azhar Sharif University in Egypt, who are specialized in dealing with children and adults.

    Through this course, you will learn:
    1. Ethics and Manners (Akhlaq)
  • Be kind, honest, and respectful to others.
  • Practice patience, self-control, and generosity.

  • 2. Doctrine (Aqidah)
  • Believe in one God, Allah تعالى, and His messengers.
  • Believe in the Quran, the Day of Judgment, and the afterlife.

  • 3. Monotheism (Tawheed)
  • Worship only Allah تعالى and avoid associating partners with Him.
  • Recognize Allah تعالى as the sole creator, sustainer, and ruler of the universe.

  • 4. Hadith (Narrations of the Prophet)
  • Follow the teachings of Prophet Muhammad, as found in authentic Hadith.
  • Learn to distinguish between authentic and fabricated Hadith.

  • 5. Stories of the Companions (Qisas al-Sahabah)
  • Draw inspiration from the unwavering faith, courage, and dedication of the Companions.
  • Learn from their struggles, triumphs, and sacrifices.

  • 6. Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh)
  • Follow the principles of Islamic law derived from the Quran, Sunnah, Ijmaa', and Qiyas.
  • Apply Islamic law to various aspects of life, including worship, transactions, and social interactions.

  • 7. Stories of the Prophets (Qisas al-Anbiya')
  • Learn from the patience, perseverance, and struggles of the prophets in the face of adversity.
  • Emulate the noble qualities and characteristics of the prophets.
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