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Continuously improve your Quran recitation.

Course Overview

Upon completion of the course, you will have the ability to read the Quran with ease and fluency, ensuring accurate and proficient recitation according to the rules of Tajweed.

Quran Recitation

Do you want to improve your Quran recitation and gain a strong foundation in Tajweed? Do you aspire to master the recitation of the Quran with ease and fluency?

The Quran Recitation Course offers you a comprehensive review service to ensure your mastery of Tajweed rules and understanding of the meanings of the verses.

  • Correct the pronunciation of Arabic letters accurately.
  • Master the rules of Tajweed, including lengthening, shortening, and inclination.
  • Elevate your recitation level and improve your Tajweed.
  • Feel a sense of peace and tranquility when reciting the Quran.
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Families around the World